Declining Circulation, Increasing Inflammation, and Loss of Stem Cells: Three Markers of Aging and Age Related Deterioration

Poor blood flow affects 900,000 Americans per year and can have devastating and life threatening health effects, and these risks increase sharply in middle age.

Poor blood flow can affect both body and mind. It can cause hair loss, dry and blemished skin, swelling and water retention, and a feeling of numbness or cold in your extremities, your hands and feet, fingers and toes.  Internally, poor blood flow can exhibit itself through waning energy, shortness of breath, headaches, poor memory retention, and mental confusion.

Reducing inflammation and thinning the blood to help relieve swelling due to poor blood flow should be the priority of anyone with blood flow concerns.


When an immune response like inflammation is unhealthy, symptoms can range from discomfort to damage that the body causes to its own tissues and organs.  It is important that your body has access to nutrients that allow it properly regulate inflammatory reactions.  

A 2013 Yale University study found that as we age our immune system produces higher levels of inflammation, and specifically that the immune sensor Nlrp3 triggers an increase in age related inflammation and results in a loss of bone density, insulin-resistance, and cognition.  Another study from the same year found that levels of another inflammatory marker, IL-6, were inversely correlated with ‘healthy’ aging.


Stem Cells are the body’s natural healing mechanisms.  Science shows that higher levels of these cells correlate with an overall health and healing capabilities,  an increase in energy and a heightened sense of well-being, and stronger, quicker nail and hair growth and healthier skin and complexion.

We are born with a certain number of stem cells, and as we age, the amount of stem cells we have declines exponentially.  Our longevity and health are dependent on our stem cell count, our stem cell health, and the amount of stem cells we have circulating.  One of the three major types of stem cells are called endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs).  They flow to damaged tissue and help our body heal itself.

Endothelial dysfunction is an early barometer for cardiovascular risk, and has been observed in patients with hypertension, in smokers, in those with diabetes, obese patients, and individuals with inflammatory or infectious diseases. The risky indicator of endothelial dysfunction can be seen in the old and the young, can be caused by environmental factors, and can contribute to making related conditions worse. But it can also be fixed.


1 thoughts on “Declining Circulation, Increasing Inflammation, and Loss of Stem Cells: Three Markers of Aging and Age Related Deterioration

  1. Michelle says:

    I am a 50 year old woman with severe lupus and am suffering from most all of the symptoms described above. Severe neuropathy is probably the biggest problem. I have numbness and pain down my right leg along with terrible numbness, tingling and pain in my feet. Also lower extremity discoloration and swelling.
    I have a history of prior ovarian cancer in remission for 11 years. I am osteopenic and cannot take aNY of the biphosphonates. Most of the symptoms are caused by the lupus and also from the medication I take. I am very interested in your products.
    Can you tell me which supplement would be best for me?
    Thank you for your time.

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