Nattokinase Capsules  •  90 Capsules/Bottle

Product Information:  Our special ASN-Lok formula is a potent, high-quality form of nattokinase. ASN-Lok is an enzyme derived from fermented soybeans demonstrating extremely high potency through independent tests. Nattokinsase is an active enzyme at 20,000 FU/gram, and ASN-Lok provides 21,100 FU/g.

Research has shown nattokinase to support the healthy coagulation of blood within normal levels and enhance fibrinolytic activity. Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi, M.D. was first to discover that the sticky part of nattokinase exhibited fibrinolytic acivity and further studies have collaborated these findings. Nattokinase helps promote healthy blood pressure and your body's ability to dissolve blood clots. Nattokinase is a food supplement only. It is not evaluated by the FDA and it is not intended to cure, treat or prevent any disease or condition.

Caution: If you are pregnant or lactating, consult your healthcare professional before using this product.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

$29.95/Bottle -